Fire Bars – Cappucino Milk Chocolate

3 in stock

Fire Bars – Cappucino Milk Chocolate


3 in stock


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Fire Bars – Cappucino Milk Chocolate Information

Doorbud offers its customers the bold and delicious taste of cappuccino, mixed with the all-time favourite milk chocolate flavour and infused with the highest quality THC concentrate that’ll blow your socks off. Not everybody can make a proper cup of cappuccino. It takes a lot of skill. But if you want to have a cappuccino anytime you want, we suggest the Firebars. You’ll fall in love with the taste, the texture of the chocolate and of course, there’s always the THC component.

Firebars Cappuccino with Milk Chocolate and other edibles are a great way to medicate as you can be certain of the dosage every time. Firebars Cappuccino with Milk Chocolate have 140mg THC and can be broken into three pieces. Now you know exactly how much THC you’re taking. Patients take edibles for various ailments like insomnia, lack of appetite, aches, pains, and more. They prefer edibles over smoking as it is a cleaner, safer way to consume cannabis. It might also be less eyebrow-raising.

Patients are not the only ones who prefer Firebars Cappuccino and other edibles over smoking. Recreational users also like edibles because of their convenience. They can carry the chocolate around in their pockets without raising any doubts. They can eat them anywhere they like without any suspicion. And best of all, edibles do not have a smell problem. You don’t have to worry about the cannabis smell inhabiting your clothes and your room. Once you taste Firebars Cappuccino with Milk Chocolate, you’ll be hooked and coming back to Doorbud again and again. A word of caution: Firebars Cappuccino with Milk Chocolate might induce a powerful case of jealousy among your friends as you become the instant centre of attention.

Just remember that edibles show their effects later than smoking. So wait for at least 90 minutes before taking another piece of the Firebars Cappuccino with Milk Chocolate. Keep them away from children as children might think of them as regular chocolates and eat them. Keep them away from direct sunlight.

3 in stock

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